for furnace replacement
And thermo-modernization works!

What can be financed?

Who can benefit?

From a subsidy from 40% to 90% of eligible costs from PLN 53 000 or tax relief or loans from 10% to 100% of eligible costs

>Osoba, która planuje, bądź rozpoczęła budowę domu jednorodzinnego.

A person who plans or has started building a single-family house.

Właściciel lub współwłaściciel domu jednorodzinnego

Owner or co-owner of a single-family home

What we help?

The scope of services we provide under the clean air program

Submission of the application

As part of our services, we offer help in a complex document. The help covers the substantive and formal scope of the document.

Choosing the right solution

As part of the services we provide, we help in choosing devices and solutions appropriate to the heat demand of the house.

Current help

Investments in program areas may be associated with various unforeseen situations.

Formal care over the investment

The scope of our services also includes care over the investment in formal terms, which includes, among others.

Energetic audit

Before starting an investment in an existing building, it is necessary to analyze the current condition of the building in terms of its needs

Offer analysis

The program foresees that the applicant for support should show at least 3 offers.